The 2001 Translation

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2001 Translation


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    Isaiah 14:12 – Bright or Howl?

    At Isaiah 14:12 we find a word that is often translated as bright (or shining) one.
    But the words in Hebrew and Aramaic texts are heh-lehl eill, which is a form of the Hebrew stem yah-lahl ill, and ill means howl!

    So, why has it been translated as bright or shining in almost all modern texts?

    It has been suggested that the translators of the Septuagint could have overlooked the smallest of the Hebrew letters or used a copy in which it had been inadvertently omitted. And if the form of the word eill (as it occurs in this particular text) was shortened to ell, its meaning would be corrupted, which appears to be what happened.
    For Kittel’s Hebrew Text reads ah-lahl, or HOWL.

    And notice that the Hebrew verb eill in Isaiah 14:12 is identical to the word found at Zechariah 11:2, where the trees are shown to be howling (not bright ones).
    For it says there:
    ‘And howl, O you oaks of BaShan;
    For the groves that you’ve planted have all been cut down.’

    So, Isaiah 14:12 could actually read:

    ‘O how you have fallen from the sky;
    Shriek, O one that arises at dawn, for you that [once conquered] all nations, have now been broken to the ground.’

    Notice that this rendering fits the context perfectly. The King of Babylon likely shrieked or howled, as he was broken to the ground.